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  INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS FITNESS? ‘Fitness’ is a term that encompasses 11 key components. These can be grouped into health-related components and skills-related components. By understanding these different components, students can better understand how different activities can contribute to our overall level of fitness. And when they apply this understanding to team sports and the different roles played by different members of the team, they can also begin to understand how the different requirements of each position mean that players may require different training. You can measure each component with a variety of tests and, over time, this will show you how a person’s fitness is changing. These tests not only help people to understand their current level of fitness, they can also help to evaluate and guide training regimens too. Fitness for Beginners It can be hard to know where to start with fitness. Lots of people know they want to get fit and healthy, but don’t know what to do first



* What is mental health?

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

*Can your mental health change over time?

Yes, it’s important to remember that a person’s mental health can change over time, depending on many factors. When the demands placed on a person exceed their resources and coping abilities, their mental health could be impacted. For example, if someone is working long hours, caring for a relative, or experiencing economic hardship, they may experience poor mental health.

* Why is mental health important for overall health?

Mental and physical health are equally important components of overall health. For example, depression increases the risk for many types of physical health problems, particularly long-lasting conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Similarly, the presence of chronic conditions can increase the risk for mental illness.

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. Meditation originally was meant to help deepen understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life. These days, meditation is commonly used for relaxation and stress reduction.

Meditation is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine. Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind.

During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. This process may result in enhanced physical and emotional well-being.

Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. You can also use it to relax and cope with stress by refocusing your attention on something calming. Meditation can help you learn to stay centered and keep inner peace.

And these benefits don't end when your meditation session ends. Meditation can help carry you more calmly through your day. And meditation may help you manage symptoms of certain medical conditions.

Meditation and emotional and physical well-being
When you meditate, you may clear away the information overload that builds up every day and contributes to your stress.

The emotional and physical benefits of meditation can include:

  1. Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations
  2. Building skills to manage your stress
  3. Increasing self-awareness
  4. Focusing on the present
  5. Reducing negative emotions
  6. Increasing imagination and creativity
  7. Increasing patience and tolerance
  8. Lowering resting heart rate
  9. Lowering resting blood pressure
  10. Improving sleep quality
  11. Meditation and illness
Meditation might also be useful if you have a medical condition, especially one that may be worsened by stress.

While a growing body of scientific research supports the health benefits of meditation, some researchers believe it's not yet possible to draw conclusions about the possible benefits of meditation.

With that in mind, some research suggests that meditation may help people manage symptoms of conditions such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Chronic pain
  • Depression
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Sleep problems
  • Tension headaches


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